The Southern Oklahoma Development Association (SODA) is accepting applications for the position of  Director of Agency on Aging Director. This position will begin as soon as a qualified candidate is identified. The SODA Area Agency on Aging Services is the focal point for a comprehensive system of programs and services for older adults in the ten-county SODA service area in south central Oklahoma.  Download the job description and qualifications here.

To apply, please mail or email a cover letter outlining qualifications and a detailed resume to Brenda McCarty, SODA Human Resources, P.O. Box 709, Durant, OK 74702-0709 or



The Southern Oklahoma Development Association Area Agency on Aging (SODA AAA) is accepting proposals for SFY 2026 to provide services, through a contractual agreement, to persons aged 60 and over in the planning service area (PSA) for the following 10 counties: Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray, and Pontotoc.

The following services to be considered for funding are Nutrition Services in both Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, Health Promotion Services, Outreach, Chore and Homemaker Services, Legal Services, Family Caregiver Support Program Services, and Transportation Services.

The SFY 2026 RFP is available at the SODA AAA administrative offices, 2704 N 1st Street, Durant, OK, beginning February 25, 2025 and completed proposals must be received in the SODA offices by March 12, 2025 at 4:00 pm. SODA AAA hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday and 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon on Friday.

In order to be considered for funding, applicants are required to attend a Proposers’ Conference, February 25, 2022, 2:00 p.m. at the SODA administrative offices.

RFP packets can be picked up at the SODA AAA administrative offices or request an RFP packet by email from Joye Angel, 580-920-1388 ,, or download the RFP packet files here: SODA AAA SFY 26 RFP Packet

For further assistance, contact Joye Angel, 580-920-1388 or email